Recent Posts by optimaadmin
De-shed Program
Frontline and heartworm tests and preventative
The ticks are very bad already this year so please make sure you have your dog on some type of flea and tick preventa-tive. If you use Frontline Plus, we carry it here and are more then happy to help you with it. It does not matter to me what you use but please use something. If your dog comes to play or board and is found to have fleas, we will be giving your dog a flea bath immediately and a Frontline application. You will be charged for it that day. There is no exception to this.
Wags and Wellness
On June 8, Paws In Time will be participating in an event sponsored by Naperville Area Humane Society. called Wags and Wellness Event. It is from 1:00-5:00pm at Seager Park, 1163 Plank Road, Naperville. Along with us, there will also be fitness experts, health screenings, doggy yoga, massage, Reiki, Frisbee dog demonstrations and mini boot camp sessions. So come for a fun afternoon at Seager Park with your dog. We would love to see you.
Air Conditioning
This entire building is air conditioned and heated so do not worry about your summer boarding reservations. The air conditioning is on at night and the building is nice and cool.